Explaining religion to kids


New Member
Our children have been asking about the Pope recently. The red outfits and all the pageantry, waiting for the smoke and associated events intrigued them. We are not Catholic, but we are Christian. I find it difficult to answer all their questions. Do others find this difficult? We are living in such a more diverse neighborhood these days.


New Member
I haven't run into this issue yet but we plan to explain that people have different ideas and that it's important for them to decide for themselves what they believe.


Staff member
I like this quote, cannot remember who from and not sure how helpful it is.

The Great Religions of the world all provide a moral compass to their faithful. Each man must wrestle with his personal relationship with God.

On The Mark

New Member
We are living in such a more diverse neighborhood these days.
Which is why it is very important to keep things simple when explaining religion to your children. I try to tell mine that different cultures have different interpretations
of the bible, which is why "God" goes by so many different names.


New Member
We are Christians and it is important for us that our kids know about it. Each person should choose its own path but we believe that kids should be guided in what we think is the right direction.


New Member
I think all parents find it difficult no matter the age of the child or the specifics of the question. We have always tried to keep things simple depending on their age and when our children grew up we had no issues taking them to different churches so they could understand more about each type without being pressured into one alone.


New Member
When I was younger, I used to go to church with whoever would take me. I have visited every church from Catholic to Baptist to Lutheran to Mormon. I didn't fully agree with any of them but I am glad I was given the freedom to follow my own path where religion is concerned. I think On the Mark said it perfectly.


New Member
I do think it's important to have religion in your life. I realize everyone doesn't agree, but so much of what I've found valuable in my own life and in the lives of my family have centered around faith.