Extended family relationships


New Member
Do you get along with your extended family? Like your in-laws,aunts and uncles and what not? I have never had much of a relationship with any of my extended family, and it always makes holiday get togethers so awkward and uncomfortable!


New Member
Somewhat but not all of them. And honestly its okay its no skin off my back, most times its people I would not associate even if we were not extended family.


New Member
Many of them but not all of them, and that goes for my family plus the family I married into. Some people are honestly not worth the bother when they are too stuck up (many in my family).


New Member
I don't really have a close relationship with any of my extended family, and it's always been that way. I mean how do you get to know someone you see 2 or 3 times a year?


New Member
We live far away from most of our family members. We live in the West and they are all in the East. So, yeah, we get along great!


New Member
A lot of the time I get along with extended family just because I don't say anything to them. I let them do all of the talking, even if they are being obnoxious. I only associate with some of them because they are family.