Eye problems!


New Member
I have always seemed to have some sort of eye problems throughout my life. Now I wear contacts and/or glasses daily. What are the chances that my daughter will also have eye problems when she gets older?


New Member
It seems to run in families sure enough. I know that I wear glasses all the time and all four of my daughters either wear them or contacts. Likewise my stepchildren have inherited their bad eyesight from their mother.


New Member
Yup; I'm with Sam - I've needed glasses since I was a kid, and 2 of my three kids now wear glasses at least for computer work and reading. I'm sure my youngest needs them too, he's just not in front of a computer or reading a book often enough to notice, I think.


New Member
So, such an eye problem are hereditary. What if someone got it because of his bad reading habit instead of from his parents? Would he also pass it onto his children?