Family portraits


New Member
My wife has booked us in to have a formal family photograph taken. It's at one of those studios that does makeovers too. (I'm rather hoping they dress me up as James Bond or something similar!):D


New Member
I hope you get your wish! My wife dragged me to one of these sessions when we were still together and I found it excruciatingly uncomfortable. The photos of her and my son were brilliant though.


New Member
Wow I guess I am lucky my wife just dragged us out the week before Christmas for family photos, but it was just to Walmart picture studio. They turned out really well though and we are happy to have new pictures to put on our walls.


New Member
You have given me some hope. I am not photogenic at all but if I can get a nice one of my wife and daughter I'd be happy to display it. I will report back when it's over.


New Member
Yeah, I remember several years ago when our family went and had pictures done. I've always thought I look dorky in pictures, but the ones of my wife and daughter turned out beautifully.