Fast and Furious 6


New Member
I am pretty sure I missed 4 and 5 but I am going to watch 6 tomorrow night. I am pretty excited! We are heading to the drive-in and the first movie is Fast and Furious 6. The second movie is Hangover 3! I can't believe my wife wants to go with me. Then again I have watched enough chick flicks over the years.


New Member
That sounds like a great date night! We don't have a drive in anywhere near us. I really miss that. I remember going as a kid and it was so much fun. You will have to let me know how Fast & Furious 6 is. I really want to see it but the wife isn't interested.


New Member
It does sound like a great date night! Unfortunately, a few years ago the last drive-in near us was torn down. It was always a great time when we went and we miss it dearly. Both of those movies should be great. Let us know what you think of them.


New Member
There is Fast and Furious 6?! Boy, am I out of shape with action movie industry. I remember watching the sequel a few years back but this is just too much. :)


New Member
It was great! The drive-in was packed too. Both movies were wonderful! I actually stayed awake for both movies. My kids want to see them so I think I will take them (older ones) and friends this weekend.


New Member
We have watched a few of the others but I am not sure where we left off. We do love a good car movie, it brings back many fond memories of when we were younger and dating (with drive-in's).