Fathers and the hard questions


New Member
Besides, where do babies come from, what are some of the other difficult questions fathers try to find answers for when their kids ask? We're working through that one right now, but our friends say there will be other tough questions.


New Member
My wife and I had our first baby before we got married, so naturally my daughter asked us why we had her first. I was at a loss for words when she asked this question, but thankfully, my wife had a ready answer for her. She explained to our daughter that we fell madly in love with each other that we couldn't wait to have a baby. But of course, she shouldn't follow what we did because it's better to be prepared for marriage before plunging headfirst into it.


New Member
Oh, explaining where babies come from is the easy part. The kids are going to want to know why you can't buy expensive things for them (And from there on are going want to know how the monetary system works) why they shouldn't take candy from strangers, why certain behaviors aren't good in public (Example: Masterbation. They start as early as three and they don't understand it's taboo nature. Explaining that to them is harder than any of the others!).


New Member
I really don't think the "Where do babies come from?" question is a hard one to answer, but I suppose if you have a problem calling genitals by their names, it might be a difficult one to discuss. For us, it's more like writer811 described. It's hard to explain income and debt to your children and get them to understand that they can't have every single thing they lay their eyes on!! You know that old adage, "Money doesn't grow on trees"? You're going to wear that one out, let me tell you!!


New Member
Having the sex talk was always a hard one for me and even though I had the words I wanted to say, they never came out right. The first time this happened the poor kid was so confused I was lucky to have backup with my wife.


New Member
I just got a book called "It's Not the Stork" that explains body parts and where babies come from. It's aimed at very young children and is detailed but easy to understand.


New Member
Where do babies come from is definitely one of the easier ones. Like Timothy said explaining to them that you can't afford everything they want or going somewhere because you don't have the money is way worse. My daughter asked me today why I don't go to work anymore (I was recently laid off). I told her that I don't go to work because I go to school and since she is three I am in the clear for now.


New Member
It is tougher when dealing with daughters. Fortunately, i would have my wife bail me out of a lot of sticky situations. My daughters probably though I was such a dumbo when all I could say was "please ask your Mom" when asked a 'hard' question.


New Member
'Was I an accident?' I can imagine that is quite a hard one to deal with. Hopefully it won't come around yet, but we are planning for the future if any of them do ask.