Finding a Babysitter


New Member
How old was the baby the first time you took a night off? I'd really like to take the baby to the grandparent's, and us-honestly I'd like to just sleep. But the wife thinks that baby is too young. With nursing, I can see that, but still I hope it won't be long.


New Member
I think once a baby is old enough where they aren't nursing then they should be fine. Even when they are nursing, you could have extra milk in bottles for the sitter. Especially when you're dealing with family watching your child, I don't see the problem:)


New Member
I seem to recall that your little man is still tiny? At less than a couple of months old, I wouldn't be ready to leave the baby either. I would maybe consider asking a grandparent to come in and help out with the two of you there. Your wife could still nurse, and the grandparent do everything else so the two of you can rest.


New Member
If it were family watching the baby or a very close family friend I would not have any issues with that. When my nephew was about a month old we watched him for the first time with no problems at all.


New Member
I was so blessed in life that I never had the need for finding a babysitter. My parents were always there for my kids when I need them.