Finding a babysitter.


New Member
We are pretty lucky when it comes to being able to find someone to watch the kids if my wife and I want to go out or have an obligation. Between my family and hers, there's usually no problem in getting someone who would like a little quality time.

Do you have family that can babysit, or do you have a regular hired out babysitter? How did you find your babysitter (if it's not family)?


New Member
I have only had one situation that I found an outside person to watch one of my kids, and it was only for a couple months. The wife actually started talking to her at a garage sale the lady was having and we did a reference check. She was real good with our first child.


New Member
We actually have tried out a lot of neighborhood teenage girls. We have family members too but it's always good to have a back-up plan. I always ask the girls if they took the babysitting class.


New Member
We're lucky in that department as well. We have a couple of teenage nieces that are always ready to make a few dollars, and then my wife's parents are always willing to watch the kids if we have someplace we need to be.


New Member
My wife's mother, sister, and grandmother all live within ten minutes of us. When we need sitters we are usually set.

On a couple rare occasions that family wasn't available, we have gotten teenagers from our church that we trust.

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