Finding the time


New Member
How do you manage to find the time for your hobbies? I like to hunt, fish, and play guitar but there never seems to be any time for it. Right now I am working a full-time job and painting houses in the evenings. I feel like I never see my wife or kids, but we need the money! I've got to get my bow ready so I can go hunting and help out with the food bills, but I don't know when I am going to get to do it. I am already only sleeping 4-5 hours a night. Man, something has got to give cause I am running on empty.


New Member
I just squeeze it in when I can. Things like hunting which in addition to being fun for me also feed my family get a little more priority than some of the other things I would like to do.


New Member
Once in awhile you just have to schedule it in and make it priority. Easier said than done, of course. You can't just starve yourself emotionally, though, or you'll really crash and burn.