Fiscal cliff


New Member
Any bets on how you think this fiscal cliff stand-off will turn out? I think they should pass legislation to not raise taxes for the 99% first and then decide about whether to raise taxes on the top 1%. Your thoughts?


Staff member
Both sides have their stubborn people, but I have a feeling they will kick the can a bit further.


New Member
They really should address the 99 percent first. That is where the greatest tax relief is needed. The top 1 percent can afford a small tax increase. I think the middle class has done enough to pay for the war in Iraq. It's time for those millionaires who made money on the war to cough some funds to pay for it.


New Member
I agree with Mel, except I wouldn't say the 1%. I'd say anyone who makes over $250,000 annually can probably afford to cough up a little more.

Jason's right though. If they can kick the can, they will.


New Member
I heard on the news this morning that John Boehner said they're getting nowhere. That doesn't surprise me. All I know is if my taxes go up, I'm not going to be a happy camper.