Food going to waste


New Member
It's always a shame to see food go to waste. We were cleaning out our fridge the other day, and I couldn't believe how much food got pushed towards the back & was forgotten about! Anyone else know the feeling?


New Member
Oh yeah I do. I am always complaining to the kids about how much food we throw out. They beg for something in the store and then it gets pushed to the back of the fridge and forgotten about. When we find it, it's moldy!


New Member
I hate waste like that but was guilty of it myself for years, when I was single. My wife reorganized the fridge so everything is in its own place. It is definitely easier to avoid things getting lost and forgotten that way. It also helps cut down on duplicate buying.


New Member
We used to waste food this way. then my wife decided that she's rather shop more frequently buying things in smaller amounts, than wasting food this way. So we really don't have a ton of extra food in the fridge, but we don't waste food as much anymore.


New Member
We're good about not wasting food. Occasionally some leftovers will get ignored and forgotten. We do lots of cooking in batches and we freeze stuff for later.