

New Member
I like one team. Why do guys want to watch everything? Is it to fit in at work when they talk about it? If you only like one team what's the point of watching the others?


New Member
No, that isn't it. Knowing about all teams help understand the game at a different letter. That way you really understand the match up between the two teams. It also makes it more fun when you watch a game or play fantasy football.


New Member
I play fantasy football, so I watch several different teams because I like to keep up on how my players are doing. Also, my defense this year (San Diego) isn't my favorite team (Giants) so it looks like I'll not only be watching Big Blue, but the Chargers as well. I also like New Orleans and Baltimore because I had two winning seasons with each of their quarterbacks (Brees and Flacco). Last year I won a decent amount on my fantasy league, so it helps to be in touch with other teams and players.


New Member
It's the love of the sport. Why would you want to limit yourself to just watch 1 game, 1 team? I can't imagine ever doing that. I'm not a fantasy football player but I do love the sport.