

New Member
We have been planning a garden all winter and are getting ready to buy all of the things we need. I have hoes, shovels, rakes, etc, but no tiller. I'm going to go to buy one of the small ones so the boys can help with the tilling. Is anyone else getting ready to grow a garden this year?

Jerry F

New Member
We are going to try container gardening since we don't have any room to really have a garden. We have a porch though, so we are going to have several tomato plants anyway. I'm thinking of making a hanging cucumber plant to have a few cukes to eat. I love fresh ones!


New Member
We have a garden every year. My wife and I can food and have it available for the next winter. It sure does save a lot of money and it tastes a heck of a lot better than if you buy it at the store. You also know what has gone into it (no chemicals but organic).


New Member
My first batch of tomatoes that I started from seeds went into containers yesterday. I have another round of tomatoes and lots of different pepper plants to go. I'm going to try the container gardening this year because my property sometimes floods in the summer and I've lost entire gardens in the past.


Staff member
I got mine started. You can rent a tiller if needed. If you really want to burn off energy you can use a shovel to do it. You'll get down deeper then with a tiller.

This is my first "large" garden. The past few years it was containers. Going to be interesting with everything going on.


New Member
My wife started her vegetable garden a couple of years ago when we first moved here and it's amazing. The kids have little plots of their own and the whole garden is full of vegetables. She has already started readying it for this year.