Getting A Kid A Computer


New Member
Should you get a kid of computer of his own? I don't want him to become addicted so that's all he wants to do, but he is showing interest in mine and I want him to be computer literate. Do you think getting him his own computer is a good idea? He's almost 4.


New Member
4 and a computer? I would think not. How about a play computer and then let him use yours with you. No 4 year old should be on the computer by himself anyway. I'm sure you are there watching what he does right?


New Member
My girls have a computer in the family room that they can share to play typing games on. They don't go on the internet. I think it's fine if they occasionally play a game on a disc. My oldest is an excellent typist already and I know it will help her in the future. Computer skills are necessary, even though 4 seems a bit young.


New Member
Um, I would no get a 4 year old a real computer. However they have lots of toy computers that mimic real computers that will do the job and cost a whole lot less.


New Member
I think you are all right. 4 is too young to have a real computer of your own. I'm going to check out the toy computers and get him one.