Getting better or is the worst yet to come?


New Member
How do you feel about the economy lately? Do you think that we are beginning a slow climb back up, or has the bottom yet to fall out from under us? Personally, I don't think we have seen even close to the worst of it yet.


Staff member
Still on the fence. It does appear to be improving, but still too many hurting. It would not take much for it to go back down again.


New Member
Things are bad but I tend to think that when all we hear are the bad stories, of course it seems like things are just getting worse and worse. I'm not sure.


New Member
I would not be at all suprised to see things get much worse than they have been. We have not fixed anything and are still bleeding money out of every available pore. Until that stops, and we make a real effort to balance the budget and pay our debts the potential for real disaster will remain.