Girls vs Boys


New Member
I am not a psychologist, but I tend to watch personality traits and how people interact. Been doing it a lot more with my kids lately...

For those who have boys and girls, I am wondering who your kids go to when they want or need consoling. My son is 8. He comes to me whenever he needs anything except "comforting". Then he goes to mom. My 5 yo daughter, on the other hand, comes to me. Anybody else experience this? I wonder if it is because I am probably harder on my son (just buck up and deal... lol!) than I am on my daughter?

Maybe it's just the birth order thing... who knows. Just wondered if anyone else sees reactions like that?

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New Member
I only have one child, a daughter. Like you, she comes to me when she needs something or when she wants to go somewhere. She goes to her mother for comforting and "crying time."


New Member
I have one of each and would say that they tend to go to the person that provides most of the daily care for emotional issues. Overall I am guessing that it doesn't matter to them if this is mom or dad.


New Member
My three girls come to me more mostly I think because I am the stay at home parent and I'm here more than their mom who works full time.