Giving up the man cave


New Member
Did anyone here have to give up "your" space to make room for a new addition? I have a friend who has a two bedroom house and his wife just found out she's pregnant. The second bedroom is his man cave and he's saying he doesn't want to give it up. Personally, I think that's pretty rotten.


New Member
I have yet the need to do this but when the need does come up I would be okay with it. Just saying it would be fair for her to give up something too, maybe pedicures those damn things are expensive.


New Member
We got creative, we added a room the the basement and were able to do it pretty cheaply, then we needed more space and made and outdoor shed slash office. We ran electrical wire, insulated it and it has a heater, and you have to go outside to go in, it is a nice little space. For my wife I turned the back porch in to a room with finished walls. You cant put a baby in a basement or shed mancave, but you can build a new mancave someplace else. Now, the basement room is my sons bedroom, the back porch is my wifes office and the outdoor building is my space.


New Member
I've been very lucky. We have quite a bit of space and some extra. My man cave has never been something that's been invaded. I'm really lucky to have my own space. I think everyone needs it.


New Member
I agree with JD, the bedroom should go to the baby, but why look at is as giving up the man cave? Instead be creative and find away to make a new man cave. But make it in a way that will never be invaded because it would not make a good play or bedroom.


Staff member
My "space" tends to be the outdoors. So no real giving it up. I just share it when my daughter wants to play outside.