Going to work mad


New Member
Man, my wife and I both woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. We didn't fight before I left, but we were snapping at each other and I left irritated. I hate starting my day like that because then I get to work and have trouble focusing on what I'm supposed to be doing. Mind over matter, I guess. What do you if the wife ticks you off on your way out the door?


New Member
Speed off down the driveway so she knows I am ticked. I know not a very mature response I guess but just how I am.


New Member
Well I tend to change into someone completely different when I leave the house for work in the morning. It is almost like I have two personas. On the extreme side of things, I too get annoyed at work because of home annoyances. You just have to keep it inside for as long as you can bare!