Grandmother with Alzheimer's


New Member
How do you explain to your kids about their grandmother who is suffering from Alzheimers? How can you make them accept the situation and cope with it if they have to live with her?

Father Adviser

New Member
Explaining Alzheimer's to Kids.

I am sorry to hear your mom has this problem. I hope she does well so do you.
There is many facets to this issue

1- keeping things at the children's level - for example for younger kids - "grandma is here to live and we are going to help her/ take care of her" depends on what wordage the kids and your self are comfortable with. "she is having memory problems" is probably the simplest explanation - and going up in complexity with the age of the child.
2- Then there is the concept of sharing the children's lives/ space and activities which will need to be addressed. Again at the children's level of understanding and ability to give care/ or engage in helping you.
3- If and when she does come live with you - I hope/ wonder if there is other family members (not children) you can draw upon to share caregiving for example on weekends/ or take her for a trip - something to decompress and give your self and family some time too.

Thanks and I hope this is a learning experience.


New Member
What is the child's age and how far off is the Alzheimer's now? I grew up with someone i the family who had this and adults always told the kids a little different depending on their age and maturity levels.