Halloween night - trick or treat?


New Member
Do you usually take the kids out trick or treating on Halloween or do you stay home and give out the treats? I usually get door duty and my wife usually takes the kids. My daughter is tool old to go, but my wife is going to take some of the neighborhood kids along with our son.


New Member
I accompany the kids and their friends while they go around the neighborhood to get treats. My wife does the "door duty" because she's good in estimating how many treats to give exactly per child. :)


New Member
I love handing out candy but we just moved to a very busy street and our neighbors told us that kids don't trick or treat here.

The upside is that my wife and I will be able to spend the evening together with the kids. We'll probably go to another neighborhood to trick or treat, or maybe go to a trunk or treat event.


New Member
Door duty for a while and then we go to a family party together. We even talked about hosting a party this year but its a bit late now.


New Member
We always did but by the time our kids were grown and out of the house we ended up having less visitors in cute little costumes. The last two years we have zero in our area and I am not sure why, nothing has really changed through the neighborhood.


New Member
We don't get a lot of trick or treaters on our street so we usually both go with our daughter. We do buy candy though because we don't take our daughter out extensively. She doesn't need that much candy. When we get back there is usually still about 2 hours left of trick or treating.

Dad Brad

New Member
We do this together. We have several annual Halloween events we attend through our community and church. We don't do a lot on Halloween night from door-to-door. We're usually at a relative's house.


New Member
This will be our first year to take the kids trick or treating but it will be a short endeavour. I have to be up really early for a major dinner at school the next day, and it is still supposed to be frigid cold and windy.