Hallowen costumes


New Member
Does anyone take their kids trick or treating anymore? If you do, what kind of costume will they be wearing this year? What will you go as?


New Member
We love taking the kids trick or treating. Most years I never dress up but the wife has a really cute idea so I think I might give it a go this time!


New Member
I will be taking my kids trick or treating (I don't have any yet). I love handing out candy and watching the little ones. Some parents spend a lot of time making costumes.


New Member
Does anyone take their kids trick or treating anymore? If you do, what kind of costume will they be wearing this year? What will you go as?
Where I live the malls encourage it. So, our kids along with some neighborhood kids go trick or treating there a full week before Halloween. We accompany them at a distance :)


New Member
We are going to a kids day at the park so I have a costume for both the kids. The kids are thing 1 and thing 2 and I am going to be the cat in the hat! It is going to be a great time!


New Member
There are a couple of cities that I have lived in that really did not do it. Some were closed off gated communities for the most part but some were in town/in city. It seems weird to skip it though.


New Member
This will be our first time going out trick-or-treating with the kids. We are so excited! We are going to my grandpa's subdivision in a small town. This is where I always went as a kid and as I grew older I would help my grandma pass out candy. Nice memories for me and nice to be able to make them with my children!