Harry Potter on DVD 4/15


New Member
My wife is a Harry Potter junkie and I have to admit that since she introduced it to me, I kind of am too. We weren't able to see the first part of Deathly Hallows when it was in the theaters so tomorrow is going to be a big day around here. I think she's going out first thing in the morning to buy it. It's funny to me that we're so into this and our daughter isn't even old enough for it yet, lol. These are the times when I feel like a big kid :p


New Member
So, what did you think of it? We watched it yesterday for the first time and I thought it was pretty good. My fiance had to keep filling me in on what they were talking about though because she has read the books and I haven't. It seems like the HP movies are made with the assumption that everyone who is watching them has read the books. I thought the special effects were really cool in this one.


New Member
I watched the movie when it was in the theater. It's wonderful but I don't think it's so excellent as the previous HP movies. I always love the scenes in the school but couldn't find them in the latest movie.