High Cholesterol


New Member
I just found out I've got high cholesterol. I've got to go on a diet and take pills. I am floored because I'm still young but I do have a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol.


New Member
It's good that you found out early. I think family history plays the biggest part when it comes to cholesterol. I've know so many people who eat right, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight who have high cholesterol, but, it does run in their family.


New Member
I'm taking Statins to keep my cholesterol low because I've had heart attacks and my wife also makes me take CoQ10 because she has read that Statins destroy the natural CoQ10 in your body. Do some research.


New Member
I am sorry to hear about your bad news. It is so important to follow the healthy diet that the doctor gives you. It is too easy to sneak around and eat what you want, but the trade off could be your life.