

New Member
What are your favorite hobbies, if any? I loved collecting stamp as a kid - I know it's geeky but I always had inclination to organizational sciences. :)


New Member
I love reading and I visited the library regularly (I mean almost everyday) when I was younger and had no family to be responsible for yet. No I hardly get time to read and need a few months to finish a single book.


New Member
I also love reading and watching movies. But if there is a novel based on which a movie was made, I would prefer to watch the movie than to read the novel.


New Member
Camping is one of my favorite things and collecting gear that is used in that purpose. For example, I have a huge collection of various firestarters.


Staff member
I have too many I guess. But as long as I'm outdoors I'm generally happy.


New Member
I would say my biggest hobby is eBay. I love it when I find a good deal on eBay. Some things I keep, most things I sell at the local auction house for a profit.

And I have tons and tons of old Richie Rich comic books and Matchbox/Hot Wheels cars.


New Member
I like to do woodworking. I have a shop with tons of woodworking tools and saws, and I've made a lot of the furniture that is in my house. Bookcases, end tables and night stands are some of my most notable creations.


New Member
I'm a bowler and have been since I was about 13 when my dad let me join a youth league on Saturday mornings. Now I take my daughter and coach her team.


New Member
I love to shop Craigslist and have found wood burning lately to be a great hobby. I have only done a couple pieces, but the family likes them!