Holding it in.


New Member
My wife always accuses me of holding my emotions in and that I should let them out not keep them bottled up. What does she except me to do? Have a good cry? Then go and have a spa day?


New Member
My wife understands that I am the way I am, trying to change me will just result in a wasted effort. Opening up however doesn't necessarily have to be about crying, you could just tell her what's bothering you.


New Member
I think she just wants you to tell her how you are feeling. Most women do not understand that it is difficult for men to understand their own emotions, never the less talk about them.


New Member
I think she would probably like you to have a good cry, of course don't try to fake that. I don't know, I can never seem to find the right balance. I am always either showing too many feelings or not enough.


New Member
From personal experience I can tell you don't be afraid to let her know how you feel about things. You do not want to keep things bottled up. Her asking these kinds of things could be early warning. As time goes by and she keeps asking you the same things over and over and you refusing to give in can draw her apart from you. I'm not trying to tell you it could lead to divorce, but from personal experience, when a woman wants something so simple from the one they are supposed to be closest to, and the guy doesn't ever give it, she will fall further away from you as time goes by. If there are other issues, such as trust or not doing things that the other person wants to ever, those are just all symptoms for an eventual parting. This is not only from my situation. I have friends that have gone through similar things. Maybe this is dramatic for you, but I say give her what she wants if she gives you what you want. It will make everything even better between you.