How do you react when you are angry?


New Member
My youngest managed to hit a nerve on a wrong day, so I might have cranked the volume up a bit too much on my voice box. How do you react when you just can't take it anymore?

On The Mark

New Member
I end up walking away until everyone involved is more calm and rational. Going for a drive with the radio up loud always does it for me.


New Member
I tend to yell too, if I don't catch myself in time to calm myself down. On the Mark, it must be nice to be able to go for a drive! If I go for a drive I have to take the kids with me, which doesn't help me calm down.


New Member
I have a temper, and I have been known to raise my voice. I'm not mean, however. I do mean what I say. Sometimes I just run out of patience. There is never any violence or profanity.


New Member
I always had a bit of a temper as well, over the years I mellowed out a bit thanks to my wife, but it's like a beast always waiting for a sign of weakness on my part.


New Member
I rarely raise my voice so when I do, everyone listens. If I am close to losing my temper, I tend to send the misbehaving and obnoxious child to their room. I tell them straight out that they best get out of my sight and stay out of it until I calm down.


New Member
I rarely raise my voice so when I do, everyone listens. If I am close to losing my temper, I tend to send the misbehaving and obnoxious child to their room. I tell them straight out that they best get out of my sight and stay out of it until I calm down.
I've had to start doing this. In theory, I don't like sending them away when they misbehave because I want to work through it with them; negative emotions are acceptable, even if negative behavior isn't. In practice, though, I don't think I have the patience for it. I find I'm a much calmer parent if one of us leaves the room for a bit before explanations. The trick, if I leave, is keeping the kid from following me.


New Member
It's really hard to ruffle my feathers, but when I do get angry, I walk away from the situation until I've calmed down. My wife, on the other hand, has a bad temper and tends to holler when she's upset.