How do you say it nicely


New Member
There are times I really need to get some things done but the kids are just wild and hyper wanting my attention. What is a nice way that I can get them to go away for awhile so I can finish what I am doing? If I finish I can spend time with them, if they keep it up and distract me I get nothing done and then I can't. Help!


New Member
Well, you said it nicely right there. The only part you are missing is what they can do instead of driving you crazy, I mean, instead of distracting you. They'll need something fun to do to lure them away.


New Member
I have the same issue with my kids! It is really hard to get them to calm down after I get home from work. I usually put in a movie for them and that helps for a minute. My son likes to help, but sometimes I just tell him I have to get it done fast and he usually will let me go and finish.


New Member
Whatever it is that they want to do with you, find a version of it that doesn't require an adult, and just suggest to them, firmly, that maybe they should try it that way.


New Member
I think you already know what to say - "Let Daddy get this done real quick and then I'll be able to come play with you." Send them outside to ride their bikes or something while you finish what you need to do.


New Member
Well it depends on how much time you are spending with the kids. Can you involve them in whatever you are doing so it is done faster and together? If you work at home a lot and spend very little time with them, they could just be crying for attention.


New Member
How old are they? What about taking the approach (if age works here) to explain how money works (even lightly) and explain that to get money you need to work. Kind of like how they might do chores or homework for some type of end result.


New Member
They are 9 and 10. We have a little one but she is very sweet and listens well. I do like all of your suggestions. This really gives me something to think about and some ideas to try. Thanks guys!


New Member
I am sure with more trying to work either part or full time at home, its harder for those who are parents since you tend to get pulled in many directions at once. I think this applies for any type of work, as a worker or the boss or even just a random contractors who does minimal work. Its gotta be tough thats for sure.


New Member
What about making them understand that you are working and not playing online games? Set your room up in such a way that it looks like a real office, and wear a formal attire as if you were working in office.


New Member
Solution ?

This is what I do. My kids each get $20 / week allowance. So I tell them, "Daddy has to work right now, so I need you to be quiet". Because if you don't, I'll get in trouble with my work and I won't be able to afford to give you your weekly allowances. Works every time !