How long till we are done?


New Member
How long before your child was completely potty trained? We have been working on it for six months now, and there are some days when my two year old just absolutely refuses to sit on the potty. :(


New Member
It was different for each child. The key is to not push your child, if they are not ready and you push them they will only work against you. One child was trained before 2, one at 3 and the other just after 3 but bedwetted until 5.


Staff member
Our daughter is for the most part potty trained. She does have accidents once in a while though, usually when she is playing with someone.

She still wears diapers to bed as she wets the bed too. We are still working on that one.


New Member
My son started potty training at 2, but didn't really get serious until he turned 3. It's different with each kid and I agree...your best bet is to let your kid set the pace. I guarantee they will not be in diapers for their Senior Prom, so take your time. :)


New Member
I am trying to be patient it is just frustrating sometimes. She is starting to play with some kids who are a little older and potty trained so I hope that will help.


New Member
I've been told girls are easier than boys, but my daughter was not easy! She was stubborn and wasn't really potty trained until she turned 4, even though she had first sat on the potty when she was two. She even started preschool in pull ups...I guess we deal with it best we can.