How long to keep a turkey


New Member
I ended up with an extra turkey this year because of a communication mix-up. Now I'm wondering how long it will keep in the freezer without getting dry. I hate dry turkey. I usually just buy one when I need it. We won't have a big family dinner until Easter, I know. Maybe I can cook it and make soup or something. What are other things to do with turkey meat that will probably be dry?


New Member
Have you cooked it already? I'm confused. You can keep a frozen turkey in there for about a year I would say. It won't be dry when you cook it - just remember to baste it. That is my wife's favorite line to me - Baste the turkey!

Dad Brad

New Member
I know what you mean about dry turkey. It may be dry when you cook it anyway. My wife's is always dry, but don't tell her. She takes great pride in cooking a big turkey and having her family over. We make turkey sandwiches, and I just slather lots of cranberry sauce on mine.