How long?


New Member
I usually let my son play his video games for about 2 hours then we do something together or watch a movie. Is this too long for a child of 8 to be playing?


New Member
I don't see 2 hours being too long unless he is not completing his school work or is ignoring family time. If you are still spending quality time with him it doesn't hurt. I only allow my kids to play an hour a day so maybe I am too harsh on mine!


New Member
On days off from school or during the summer I wouldn't care too much. But if the kids are in school, 2 hours for video games is too much in my opinion. There's always homework, then we like to spend time with the younger kids reading, and then it's usually time for dinner. After dinner if there's time they can play some video or computer games or watch some television.


New Member
2 hours is not long but I would advise you to try and intrigue him with an outdoor activity. Since he is probably used to playing games a lot he will resist so you need to be super inventive. :)


New Member
I played my Commodore 64 when I was a kid so I know how enticing this can be for the kids. Although I need to set a boundary for them to realize that playing more than 3-4 hours is not that good. Daddy needs time with games as well. :D


New Member
Yes daddy needs a game time here too. No matter how I try to say that it always sounds dirty. :D But really, I love playing computer games. As soon as I find the time I grab the joystick.


New Member
I agree I like to play the games too. And it is on weekends and such that I let him play that long. Where I live it is winter outside and I don't think going to play in 5f degrees would be a good idea. We do spend a lot of time outside in spring, summer, and fall.