How Much Is The Allowance?


New Member
How much do you give your children as their allowance? I know that for little ones, it would be smaller but how much for high schoolers and college students?


New Member
In my day we made our kids work for their allowance, or pocket money, so it varied according to the amount of chores they did but I suppose, like everything else, the rate has gone up and it would depend on what they had to buy, like lunch or equipment. Once in college, they'd have a student loan.


New Member
Working for their allowance is a great way to help kids learn how to be independent. If they always depend on parents for their finances then it will be hard for them to find money after they finished schooling. My cousins are so dependent with their parents that they still live with their parents even after finishing college.


New Member
I think setting an allowance is really hard. We pay for the necessities, like clothing, school meals, The kids are 8 and 10. We give them $5.00 a week for the few chores they do during the school year, with extra if they do extra. Does that sound about right?