How often do you let your child watch television?


New Member
Sometimes I think that my son watches too much television. How much television is too much for your child?


New Member
I think some parents use the TV as a child minder and just sit their kids in front of it and leave them, but if you are interacting with your child as well, there's no harm.


New Member
Frank Lloyd Wright famously said 'Television is chewing gum for the eyes' and I would tend to agree with him. I allow my son to watch television, children's shows and educational shows but I will not let him sit in front of the T.V for hours on end. A few hours a day is enough.


New Member
Say 3 hours daily. Usually the DISCOVERY or NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, they are good for knowledge. TV is not all that bad after all, monitor what is being watched.


New Member
Our teenage daughter has a television in her own room, but she seems more interested in texting on her phone. My son, on the other hand, watches about two hours on weekdays and maybe a little more on Saturday when he likes to watch some kid's shows. He does have to complete his homework and chores first, however.


New Member
My kids are still very young and the tv is probably on for a few hours a day. They don't ever actually sit still and watch it more than two or three minutes though.


New Member
My three year old watches Nick Jr. in the morning and he is always supervised by either me and my wife. The older kids on the other hand, can only watch T.V. on Friday nights and Saturdays. It's a no-no on school days.


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We allow 2 hours a day, as long as schoolwork and chores are done. If the kids have been good and there is something special that they want to watch, then I stretch the limit a bit.


New Member
Yeah I think Im going to cut back some of my son's time in front of the television. Im going to go get him some educational games and try to ween him away from it slowly. He loves cartoons and can sit in front of the television for hours.