"I don't like you anymore"


New Member
These are words that I never wanted to hear. My step-son, wife, and I were getting a hair cut and I had to make him sit so that his mom could get hers done. He got mad and kept repeating this! My only reaction was "you don't have to, but you do have to sit". I love him so much and I know he loves me becuase he tells me all the time. It didn't make this hurt, at first, any less!


New Member
Relax man, it's going to happen when you make them do something they don't want to do. It happens. Yeah, it's not the most pleasant thing to hear but then a couple of hours later they are wanting to play or wrestle. I've seen my sister and her new hubby go through this and it's rough sometimes.


My wife's little ones tell her that they hate her sometimes - and I know that it's not true because they really do love her; they're just kids who don't know how hurtful those words can be. I try to take deep breaths and not let it get to me when I hear it from them. Your ability to keep cool will mean so much to the family in these stressful situations that come up all the time.


New Member
It's a natural reaction of children, when they are forced to do something that they don't want to do. It does not last, and they only mean it at the moment of extreme emotional outburst.


New Member
Don't let it get to you. Kids will say anything to get away with what they want. I think every parent I know has been through some for of this, and it will pass.