I'm so hungry today!


New Member
I skipped dinner last night, and now even though I have had breakfast and a snack I am about to starve! I hate it when I have days where it feels like I could eat all day long! Maybe my potato soup for lunch will fill me up finally. I can't concentrate on work I am so hungry. Ridiculous!


New Member
My daughter felt like lying about eating her lunch today and I found it tucked away in the trashcan. All afternoon I have heard "I am hungry" so I kind of understand your pain there, but you as an adult should not have skipped your dinner. :)


New Member
At least your daughter threw hers in the trash where you could find it. Mine feeds hers to the dog, and says she ate it. Peanut butter on the dog's nose tends to give her away though! Potato soup sounds really good ro me right about now. That is one of my faves!