Is Chorus girly...?


New Member
I know it seems like an odd question, but what do you guys think? Does chorus seem to be more geared towards girls? My son was in chorus, but quit and said it was too girly for him.


New Member
Well, that's just a preconception. There are both boys and girls in choruses, so no, I wouldn't say it's girly. If the kid is really musically-inclined, you should advise him to not let himself influenced by stereotypes and give the chorus a second chance.


New Member
If there was something about it that he disliked enough that made him quit, I'm not sure he would go back unless he discovers he really misses it.


New Member
My daughter is in chorus and there are guys there, some because their girlfriends are in it. Either way, they need good strong male voices in chorus.


New Member
I was never in chorus, but I remember the guys who were being a mixed bag. Some were nerds and some were just average Joes. Personally, I never looked at the guys in chorus as being girly.