Is divorce avoidable?


New Member
I know sounding as an optimist when many divorces are taking place seems like going against the grain. What do you think are the major causes of divorce? Is it couples not taking enough time to date or the love dying off after a while?

An old friend who has been married for years tells me that the excitement that newly weds normally display dies off after a while. From then on, compromising and accommodating each other takes center stage.


New Member
I think divorce is avoidable if you both are willing to work at it. So many young people are rushing into marriage and when things get rough they take off. I also believe that open communication is key. If you can communicate with each other you can get through almost anything.


New Member
I share your thoughts too Tyler. I think what most young people do is not looking for mentors as they plan to settle down. All it takes is willingness to accommodate the other person.