Is the Republican Primary the New Reality TV?


New Member
For an election that started out boring, this Republican primary is becoming "must-see TV." I had to laugh the other night when CNN was starting their coverage of the Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado primaries. The very beginning of it with all the candidates made it look like the finale of some reality TV show. I guess that's appropriate, though, since we're all waiting to see who gets voted off the island.


New Member
Good comment and you are right on with your thoughts. It's interesting to see which one wins each Primary. It seems that they all pick up speed at different times. I have to be honest in saying that I have not watched 1 full debate yet.


New Member
You're right and this is the closest primary season I have seen in a while. Hillary and Obama were neck and neck last time, but the Republican field has more players. Romney and Gingrich aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Santorum took all those states this week so he's pumped up and sticking around. And Ron Paul is just hellfire determined. I think this is going to remain interesting for a while longer.


New Member
Isn't Super Tuesday coming up soon? That ought to pretty much decide it right there. Have you/are you planning to vote in the primaries this year?


New Member
One thing that makes this so interesting is that the results might not deter some of the candidates. Regardless of what happens on Super Tuesday, we might have four candidates for months to come.

Gingrich has said that he is in this all the way to Tampa. Ron Paul is all about getting as many delegates as possible and making a statement at the convention. A few weeks ago, I would have said that Rick Santorum was gunning for a VP slot with either Romney or Gingrich. Now, I think he is in it to win it, and the gloves are coming off.


New Member
It is the best in reality and sadly not enough are actually paying attention to it. It might be one of the best races going on, but some people are more concerned about their favorite sports team.