Junk food guilt


New Member
So last weekend I took my daughter out for the day. Her mom deserved a day with girlfriends so all was good. I had planned on taking her to a nice restaurant but hunger hit and we ended up eating burgers.

How often do you let your kids eat that kind of food? I still feel like I planned things badly.


New Member
Don't beat yourself up. It's not like you are feeding her junk everyday, right? What I don't like is when that kind of food is made into a treat. I think the hype just makes kids think it is more special than it is.


New Member
I don't think you have to worry as long as you don't make it a habit. Fast food restaurants are so bad for kids, but as a treat every now and again they are great. My kids know it is a treat and will work hard to earn it.


New Member
We do the fast food thing every so often, but alot less than we used to. We have gotten better at having some meals frozen, so even when we don't have time enough to fully prepare a sit down dinner, we can still have one.


New Member
Thanks guys. I guess I may have over reacted, it's just that my wife is pretty strict about avoiding those places. I did tell her, despite being tempted to avoid the subject. Better planning is needed next time I think.


New Member
I mean, you shouldn't feel too bad about it because it's bound to happen sometimes. We're not perfect and sometimes planning slips our minds; I know it happens to me a lot! She'll be fine. Don't beat yourself up over it too bad.