Kids Wanting Gadgets


New Member
I know with the advent of all of the available tech gadgets that some things are "essential" for the kids to have. But gee whiz, mine want everything. I have bought the kids prepaid phones so they can call and text somewhat but I won't give them unlimited access. I have also bought the two oldest a laptop even though they were used and not as fast as the newest things out. When do you draw the line?


New Member
I don't think kids should expect to get everything they asked for. I remember when I was young, my brothers and I would ask for the moon if we thought our parents would buy it for us. I think it's healthy for kids to hear "No" every now and then.


New Member
Both of my daughter's have cell phones with unlimited texting and calling. This is what works best for us. My oldest daughter just got an iPod Touch for Christmas, and gave our younger daughter her old iPod. Both girls are happy now!


New Member
There are entirely too many things to keep up with these days. I have thought of this for some time and I have been telling the kids they can expect some of the new tech goodies but not all AND they are going to have to part with some of their allowance to help pay for it. They are going to have to learn how much these things cost and I think if they share the cost it may stay with them longer.


New Member
I don't think that all of these things are essential at all, however, a kid that doesn't have good access to a computer at an early age is at a disadvantage because other kids will have.


New Member
That's a good point unfortunately. If all the other kids have a computer that they use, and yours doesn't, they won't fair so well in school compared to the others when it comes to using computers.


New Member
I think you draw the line wherever it feels it needs to be drawn in your case. It's sad that kids these days think they need certain things in order to have fun. What ever happened to just playing with stuffed animals and cars? You've given them plenty and they should be very thankful imo.