Kids wanting space


New Member
My kids seem to be getting a point where they want more space from their mother and I. We want to give them space, but not enough to hang them with. How old were your kids when you started giving them more space?


New Member
Mine are not old enough yet but I know with my own mother it started very young and looking back at it now, I do not really think she wanted to play the mother role. How old are your kids now?


New Member
The right age is around 13-14 when they start hitting puberty and they feel like they are the only ones who go through it and nobody else can understand them. It will be easier on both parties if you start giving them a little space around that time.


New Member
I agree with Zimmer, until they are 14ish they need their parent to be very involved. It is sad because around here people let their 6-9 year olds run free with no guidance.