Leaving The Country


New Member
I heard a story of a divorced father who left his 13 year old son behind in the states so he could live with his new wife and her family. Would anyone here ever do something like that?


New Member
I couldn't do that. I love my kids too much to do that. I guess that's sort of selfish but I wonder if they wouldn't miss me too. They love on me all of the time so I think they may love me. My youngest daughter will crawl up on my lap and kiss me until I make her stop. She's a lovebug.


New Member
I cannot even imagine leaving my minor children behind in another country. Once they were grown, it'd be a different matter, but at 13 years old? I just couldn't do it.


New Member
No, I wouldn't ever do that, but I do know someone who has. In his case, however, he had to move out of the country for work because that's where his job sent him. He stays in good contact with his two children though and visits whenever he can.


New Member
I know I could never do it, but everyone is different. My sister's ex husband moved back to his family after they were divorced and left his 2 young children (both preteens) here. The move put him about 2000 miles away. I don't know how he did that. I could not imagine being that far away from my daughter on a permanent basis.


New Member
Only an idiot would do something like that. I never understand how people like this are so selfish. If you take the route to have a child, you need to gather up your responsible side and actually take care of that child. Unless there are circumstances where the move would benefit the child (work and so on) I could not see it.


New Member
There is no way I would move so far away I couldn't visit with my child at least once a week. Heck, I can barely stand for her to spend the night with a friend.