Losing sleep?


New Member
Did any of you start having a hard time sleeping when your wife/girlfriend was pregnant? I don't know if it's money or just stress but I'm going to need him to get sleep now while he can so he can take his turns getting up with the baby later.


New Member
It really depends on the person, it probably just has to sink in a little more. Also don't worry too much about loosing a couple of months of sleep at the beginning of the pregnancy, be careful to get the most at the end and you should fine.


New Member
Thanks. I printed out your post and showed it to him. Hopefully he'll get the message that he needs to start sleeping soon. If all else fails I'll start putting sleeping pills in his beer.


New Member
Thanks. I printed out your post and showed it to him. Hopefully he'll get the message that he needs to start sleeping soon. If all else fails I'll start putting sleeping pills in his beer.

I hope you're just kidding about the sleeping pills in his beer. Alcohol and sleeping pills could be dangerous when mixed together. I'm not a doctor so you might want to check that out.


New Member
Wow, that would be the end of a marriage if my wife slipped me anything ever! Ok maybe not the end but I'd be furious. I would never take a sleeping pill so it's not a good idea.

I'm sure he is just worrying over things, will I be a good dad? Will we have enough money? That sort of thing.