Managing Time


New Member
Managing my time is becoming harder and harder. I'm starting to get behind on my school work and it's causing problems at home. I don't get to see my family as much as I want. I'm always working, studying, at school or sleeping. I miss my family so much right now.


New Member
I know how you feel. You don't have enough time for your family and you miss them. But you do all what you are doing now for your family, right?


New Member
I couldn't imagine going to school with my curent workload and family activities. I guess it's important to remind yourself that going to school is going to improve things for your family and while it requires some sacrifices right now, it will hopefully make it easier to spend quality time with your family later.


New Member
Have you tried taking a day or two away from the studying? I know it may sound counter productive but you need to get perspective. Then figure out a way to have some family time in the week. It may mean a slightly lower grade or whatever, but life is a trade off.


New Member
I am going to be taking a break myself from everything for a good 48 hours later this month. We are getting out of town and taking one of those mini vacations that we always talk about and never do. You might need the same!


New Member
What is your school load like? Maybe taking one less class per term would help. I had a college friend who only ever took 9 semester credits at a time, and he only worked weekends. It was a great system he had.


New Member
I feel your pain, man. Sometimes there are tough times within a family and through it all, this is only going to make you guys stronger. Do what you can to be there for them when you can and when you can't, try not to feel too bad, because you're out there working and going to school to help them out too.


New Member
Getting into a good set of routines tends to help. The planning part of it is horrible of course as you never really know where to start but the best bet is to try little by little until you hit all the key marks you need. Getting a start just on weekdays is a good place too. :)