

New Member
After an unsuccessful marriage and a divorce, do you still believe in marriage? Or would you rather have a partnership without a marriage contract?


New Member
I went through a divorce as did my second wife but I was still anxious to marry her. I may have made one mistake, but that doesn't mean I'll make another and we have been happily married now for more than twenty years.


New Member
I still believe in marriage. If I meet a woman that I get close enough to live together, I would want to be married. If a second marriage failed, I wouldn't go for a third or living together.


New Member
I have never experienced that but if I had, I think I would still believe in marriage. The point is finding the right person for you, which can be really challenging.


New Member
I did not believe in it while going through a bitter divorce. My new wife was vary patient and kind and let me decide when I was ready to marry again. I believe just because one was bad, doesn't mean all are.


New Member
I believe in it. I am married and have been for 12 years. Of course I have some great role models. I just recently went to my grandparents 60th wedding. Was so wonderful to be a part of!


New Member
It's going to take me some time before I'm ready for another relationship. My ex was horrible, especially when she got into the drug culture. She broke me mentally and financially. I still have some healing to do.