Meeting someone


New Member
A lot of us have been there. You're going through this hellish time in your life and then, bam, all of a sudden there's the woman of your dreams. So, did you go for it, even thought the divorce wasn't final yet? Or did you wait?


New Member
we all know that the marriege is no longer valid unless we have filed divorse and supporting question is,if a man wanted to file a divorse and he is not able to spend,what can he do?


New Member
Wait until you can. That's the only thing you can do and have a clean conscience about it. It's not fair to either woman to do otherwise. But that's just my opinion. You may have a different one.


New Member
Avelino has a good point. There are lots of people out there, both men and women, who can't afford to get divorced. I have a neighbor who is going through that right now. There are organizations out there that will help you and lawyers who will offer pro bono or discounted services to those in need. You just have to do the research to find what is available in your area.

In the meantime, if you've met someone, Kromer is right and you should probably wait for the divorce to get underway before you get involved.