Meeting the father-in-law


New Member
My fiance and I have been together for three years, but I will be meeting my father-in-law for the first time next month when we travel to see him for our wedding. I have talked to him on the phone a lot and we seem to have a good relationship, but now that the time to actually meet him is coming up fast, I'm getting nervous. How was it the first time you met your father-in-law? Any advice?


New Member
I would say give him the room he needs to be patriarchal. Once he senses that you respect his position in the family, it will be easier for him to accept you.


New Member
I don't know what to say. My father in law still hates me a little for taking his little girl away. But he is coming around when he sees that I am a good father and husband. I agree with Jack, you need to give him space.


New Member
Thanks, guys! I'll follow your advice and give him space and respect as the head of the family.

Rey - That sucks that your father-in-law doesn't like you, but at least he's starting to come around. I know I'm probably not going to like the guy that takes my little girl away, lol.