Middle toe


New Member
Last night I some how broke my middle toe nail from top to cuticle vertical! It is so swollen today I can barely get my shoe on. I have no idea what to do for it any advise would be helpful.


New Member
OUCH is right.... The tape idea is a good one, Other than that I would say bandage it up so it is not touching your sock. If the swelling doesn't come down, go to the docs!


If the toe itself isn't broken and it's just the nail, bandaging it to an adjacent toe isn't necessary. Do put Neosporin or something similar on it to prevent infection and put a band-aid on to prevent it from rubbing on the sock, and for the swelling try ice and Aleve.


New Member
Thank you for your suggestions and I just put Neosporin and a band aide on it. Ice probably would have been a good idea! Aleve is defiantly a great thing to keep on hand!