Mom and kid to ER


New Member
My wife had to take our son to the ER with asthma. I wanted to go so bad but I had to stay home with the other two. One of them is a baby and we do not want to expose her to the germs you see in hospitals. The waiting was agony. He is fine now but I still hope I can find a back up person for the other two so I can go and be there with them next time.


New Member
I know how awful that can feel and how the worry can just eat you up while you wait. I think it is a good idea to line up an emergency back up person who lives in your neighborhood.


New Member
It is also nice for you to stay home and be with your other kids. It will give them more reassurance you know for why is mommy going to the hospital?
I'm super glad to hear that he is ok though.


New Member
I am glad to hear all is ok with your son. My parents had to take me to the hospital a few times and my siblings each a few times. They just took turns on who went with the kid and who stayed with the others unless my grandparents were around the we got to stay with them.