Mood swings?


New Member
It seems like both of my daughters are having mood swings lately. One minute they will be the sweetest little thing, and the next out! Is anyone else dealing with this in their home?


New Member
Not currently, but growing up I had four sisters. It seemed to me like everybody at some point or another was having some mood thing going on.


New Member
Not yet because my baby is very young, but I've been around teens and I remember what it was like to be one. I think girls have it harder than boys during the teen years. Their hormones are just going crazy and they have trouble staying balanced. It will pass :)


New Member
How old are your daughters? Does the mood swing usually happen when they are on period? If so, I think that's normal. It maybe due to hormonal imbalance during period.

Jerry F

New Member
It hasn't happened yet but my daughter isn't old enough yet. Having my wife do the mood swing dance is enough. I can definitely wait until my baby gets to that stage too.