Music and Learning


New Member
Do you agree that music helps children learn better in school?

All of my four older kids are learning to play a musical instrument of their choice. My 15 year-old's choice is the violin, my ten year-old son, the guitar, my ten-year old daughter, the ukelele and my youngest daughter, the piano. So far, so good. They look forward to every lesson and when they're home, they practice all the time. We still have to see the effect of music in their studies, though. Hopefully, it will be good.


New Member
Yes I do, I also think it makes for a happier kid overall. All of our kids played something and it gives them a little extra when it comes to bonding with other kids too (of all ages). I still remember our oldest nervous as ever during their first rehearsal.


New Member
I think that it is wonerful that all of your kids play an instrument. We plan to do the same as soon as we can afford to. My wife plays the piano, but we don't currently have one, and I play the guitar. I think listening to low volume classical music while studying can also be beneficial to the learning process.


New Member
I absolutely agree. Music is a great way to teach kids many things. It can be used to teach them about music itself, or you can even use songs and things to teach younger kids stuff.

Music is just great for people in general, and I think that really rings true with kids. Music is one of those things that you can't help but to feel.


New Member
I started listening to music at an early age and I think it helped me a lot. At least my parents are claiming that but they are not experts.


New Member
Not necessarily, music and learning have no relation but it is true that a man with a hobby is more energetic and ready to excel in other field. My younger son would not feel fresh unless he has played the cricket at least for one hour. I do not feel fresh unless I have listened the old songs from the time when I was 18.


New Member
At younger ages music certainly does help with learning. it stimulates the sense and stimulates the brain, getting the children to think and be creative.

However, at older ages i think children will either love it or hate it. If they don't have a passion for music, they simply won't listen or take notice of it.


New Member
I really hadn't thought of it. I would say it would help because it would help the child to learn several concepts of basic learning such as practice and memory. It would be a pleasant way to learn some of these traits.


New Member
It helps me just listening to music so I could only imagine how beneficial it would be to know how to play an in instrument and learn how to use a different side of your brain.